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EMS SQL Manager For Oracle Download Freeware

EMS SQL Manager For Oracle Download Freeware

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Free Download EMS SQL Manager for Oracle 3 for Windows PC it is a high performance database tool for Oracle database development and administration. SQL Manager for Oracle works with any Oracle versions from 8.1.7 to the newest one.

You can also FREE download <a href=" for Oracle

Overview of EMS SQL Manager for Oracle 3 Benefits

EMS SQL Manager for Oracle 3 supports the latest Oracle Database features and data types including compressed, OLAP, read-only and read-write tables; invisible indexes; compound triggers, triggers with FOLLOWS clause and others.

It offers plenty of powerful Oracle tools such as PL/SQL Code Debugger, Backup/Restore Database wizards, Visual Database Designer to create Oracle database in few clicks, Visual Query Builder to write complex Oracle SQL queries, Database Statistics to monitor Oracle performance, Grant manager for effective Oracle security management and many more useful features for efficient Oracle administration. SQL Manager for Oracle has a state-of-the-art graphical user interface with a well-described wizard system, so clear in use that even a newbie will not be confused with it.

EMS SQL Manager for Oracle is a powerful graphical database tool for Oracle Database development and administration. Its easy-to-use graphical interface and rich functionality will make your work with Oracle as easy as it can be!

Overview of EMS SQL Manager for Oracle 3 Features

    • Latest Oracle Database version support
    • Rapid database management and navigation
    • Powerful tools to make your work with Oracle Database as easy as it can be
    • Easy-to-use wizards performing Oracle Database administrative tasks
    • Simple management of all Oracle Database objects (including create/edit/drop operations)
    • Effective security management
    • Advanced data manipulation tools
    • Excellent visual and text tools for query building
    • Impressive data export and import capabilities
    • Visual Database Designer to handle database structure in a few clicks
    • Report Designer with clear in use report construction wizard
    • Connecting via local port forwarding through the SSH tunnel
    • Support of Unicode data
    • New state-of-the-art graphical user interface
    • And other useful features

Technical Details and System Requirements

    • Supported OS: Windows 7/8/10
    • Processor: Pentium IV or above
    • RAM: 1 GB RAM (2 GB recommended)
    • Free Hard Disk Space: 200 MB or more

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